There feeds he full | on the flesh of the dead,
And the home of the gods | he reddens with gore;
Dark grows the sun, | and in summer soon
Come mighty storms: | would you know yet more?

– Voluspa, Verse 41, Bellows Translation


Ink Drawing for Verse 41, from the "Illustrated Voluspa."

Ink Drawing for Verse 41, from the "Illustrated Voluspa."

This painting is deeply personal to me. Throughout 2017, I worked on my Norse Mythology book, "Illustrated Voluspa". The ink drawing for Verse 41 really struck me. The idea of a person's light being drained resonated. As I walked my own personal journey in 2017 I realized that I felt my own light was being drained. In response I lashed out, and hurt some of the most important people in my life. Though I felt like the victim, in truth I was the monster. I think if we pause a moment we can all relate to the tale of the goddess, Sól, and the wolf who chases her, Sköll.

Some days I am the sun.

Like the goddess Sól, the desires of others,

my obligations, their need;

has ripped me open.

All the light I have left in this world

drains from me, until I grow dark.


Other days I am the wolf.

Like the hungry Sköll, I desire others.

My thirst, my need;

it overpowers my ability to see her.

And nothing will sate my appetite,

Until I drain all she has to give, and she grows dark.


- Dark Grows the Sun, by Sam Flegal

The original fantasy painting was done in oil and measures 13" x 26".

Dark Grows the Sun (Limited Edition Print)
Only 23 available
Copyright © 2018 Sam Flegal, All Rights Reserved

Copyright © 2018 Sam Flegal, All Rights Reserved