"The Völuspá" is a Norse Mythology Book containing a collection of ancient Norse prophecy, thought to have been written down in about 1270 CE. Within its verse, the "Volva" or wise-woman tells Odin of the creation of the world, history of the gods, the secrets of Odin himself, and of Ragnarok - the twilight of the gods.
The greatest collection of preserved Norse poetry is "The Poetic Edda," the first and most important section of which is "The Völuspá." It is also one of the most debated.
Each ink drawing for "The Illustrated Völuspá" begins as an ink blob. Staring at the ink blobs while thinking about the verse, I try to find shapes. I let my sub-conscious mind wander as much as possible searching for shape and form. Using a pencil, I map out the drawing. Once the image has emerged I begin using ink to bring the final drawing to life.