hel of a woman
I doubt not
but Dyggvi's corpse
Hel does hold
to whore with him;
for Ulf's sib
a scion of kings
by right should
caress in death:
to love lured
Loki's sister
Yngvi's heir
o'er all Sweden.
– Heimskringla
Hel is described as being half alive and half dead. She is commonly depicted in Norse mythology with one half of her face being a skeleton or zombie and the other a beautiful woman with cold eyes. She also typically has half black hair and half white.
This image of Hel has always stood out for me. When I read that she was half dead and half alive I imagined that she was split at the waist rather than down the middle.
The original fantasy painting was done in oil and measures 18" x 24".
Copyright © 2011 Sam Flegal Fantasy Art. All Rights Reserved