Hel’s throne
Hel he cast into Niflheim, and gave to her power over nine worlds, to apportion all abodes among those that were sent to her: that is, men dead of sickness or of old age.
-Gylfaginning Chapter 34, Brodeur translation
The image of a beautiful woman that is also half a corpse is striking. An image so powerful it reverberates through our minds for thousands of years, across miles and generations. At some point we all must look upon her. In the end we all stand before her throne, just as those who came before us.
Hel is the Norse Goddess of the underworld. She looks after the realm of the dead. Some describe her realm as a place for the sick and old. Others describe it as the cold halls where our ancestors dwell and where we go to join them.
Her realm shares her name, also called Hel. Often the Old Norse Word for “home” is added to the end to create the word “Helheim.” This makes it easier to separate the realm from the goddess, but they are one and the same.
It is also common to anglicize Hel’s name by turning it into “Hella.” This ads further distinction between the goddess and her home, but is not true to the oldest sources. There are varying opinions about which form is best, but Hel or Hella, be careful when you address her.
The lady of death also serves as a potent reminder for those of us who face hardship. At some point you will be stripped down, you will be laid bare, and you will be forced to face who you are. Some might call this death, but without facing yourself you are only ever half-alive.
Voluspa - Norse Mythology Book - Verse 38
“A hall I saw, | far from the sun,
On Nastrond it stands, | and the doors face north,
Venom drops | through the smoke-vent down,
For around the walls | do serpents wind.”
Bellows Translation
Hel, is the land of the dead. Nastrond is the "Corpse-Strand" ruled by the goddess Hel. I love Hel, her image and story is so striking I'm sure this will not be the last time I depict her. The image of snake covered walls filled with venomous smoke was too enticing not to draw! As the image emerged I found it fitting that Hel's posture suggests sadness, I've always found her to be a tragic figure, and in some moments she owns it, but in others the weight of life and death falls to her. I imagine in this moment as the world ends she is filled with grief yet resolute in what will come.
Copyright © 2021 Sam Flegal, All Rights Reserved
The original fantasy painting was done in oil and measures 33 1/2" x 41 1/4".
This original ink drawing from the Voluspa measures 18" x 24" and was created with ink and brush on 300 series bristol paper.
This original will ship in a rolled hardened art tube.