Odin as Shaman
“Then began I to thrive, and wisdom to get,
I grew and well I was;
Each word led me on to another word,
Each deed to another deed.”
– Hávamál, Verse 142, Bellows Translation
Odin is a powerful sorcerer, in all the nine worlds there are none such as he who has mastered all the different forms of magic. He uses his two ravens to send out his senses to observe the different realms. He understands the depth of the runes and uses their power to gain more knowledge.
He uses Seidr, magic normally reserved for women, and some would say this makes Odin “un-manly.” However, he does not care what others might say. To Odin power is power. He uses Galdar to chant and sing the various sounds of creation, enacting his will on the different worlds. Finally, to him is reserved secrets of sorcery that no other can comprehend, simply whispered as Odinic Sorcery.
There are many forms of magic, and Odin practices them all. Knowledge is power, but it also has its price. What price would you pay?
The original painting was done in oil and measures 12" x 16".
Copyright © 2020 Sam Flegal, All Rights Reserved