sleipnir’s ride
“best is Sleipnir, he is Odin's, he has eight legs.”
-Gylfaginning Faulkes translation
Sleipnir is Odin’s eight legged gray horse who can travel the nine worlds. Famously the son of of Loki and Svaðilfari, a giant male horse. A union that occurred after Loki shape-changed into a female horse to trick a giant.
Here we see Sleipnir riding out across the stars. He is at home amongst the northern lights, be they in this world or any other. Sleipnir was occasionally loaned out to other gods and heroes by Odin. Most famously to Odin’s son, Hermod, who rode Sleipnir into Hel in an attempt to recover his brother, the dead god Baldr.
Copyright © 2022 Sam Flegal, All Rights Reserved
The original fantasy painting was done in oil and measures 18" x 24".