Ymir, Screamer in the Void

Ymir, Screamer in the Void
The lore of the Norse folk begins as so many stories do in darkness. A darkness so great that it was named Ginnungagap, the great void. Within that void there was a collision of cosmic proportions as the realms of ice and fire collided, creating the first rivers, and out of that river came the first being Ymir.
Ymir was the first giant, all jotuns and their kin are descended from him. The gods too burst from the sweat of Ymir’s armpit, so in a way Odin and his ilk are also descended from Ymir.
Odin and his brothers carved up Ymir to create Mid-Guard or as we would call it, earth. Ymir’s flesh was the earth, the ocean his blood, his bones became hills and his hair the trees, out of his skull the sky and his brains the clouds.
But before all of that Ymir was the first, a primordial being whose name in Old Norse means “Screamer.” Out of nothing emerges sound, the first scream of creation, a sound that we all make as we enter this world, Ymir the screamer in the void.
Like many other stories about the dawn of creations the Vikings understood that existence begins with sound.
This is a signed archival open edition print, measuring 12" x 16".
The original was drawn with black and white colored pencils on gray tone paper with a hint of acrylic white paint to really bring out the highlights, and Copic markers for shading.
The print will ship in a rolled and hardened art tube.